A thousand suns

As 2016 came to a close yesterday I couldn’t help but reflect on the number of celebrity passings during the year and how fortunate I had been over 2 and a half years previously.  As I pondered on the time since my event, a penny dropped, I did a quick calculation and I realised that … Read more

Am I a Survivor?

A member of our facebook group asked a question yesterday on what makes a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) survivor.  They had the query as they had a diagnosis that was the same as someone else in the group and both had been fitted with ICD’s, but their diagnosis and implantation had happened before any events. … Read more

A great day to be alive!

The journey of recovery from an SCA is a tough winding one that will undoubtedly have many ups and downs, and sometimes it worth just taking a moment to reflect on those peaks when they happen. With my son I was attending a new local event on the Park Run schedule – Hadleigh Park – which was the … Read more