Can I drive after getting an ICD?

The decision to drive after getting an ICD depends on your medical condition and the laws in your area. Your doctor will look at your electrophysiology (EP) tests, how you’re responding to the ICD and its therapies, and any other medications you take. The one exception that definitely requires a conversation with your doctor is being a commercial driver like a bus driver or truck driver.

Category: Driving

Do I have to stop driving if I have a cardiac arrest?

The simple answer is yes, but usually only temporarily.

The length of the period that you cannot drive for is mainly dependent on the cause of your cardiac arrest and the remedial action taken.

For example, if you had a heart attack as the cause and you had stents and medications to prevent future episodes then the period to stop driving would typically be 1 month.

If you had to have an ICD fitted then the period that you had to stop driving would typically be 6 months from the date of the implant – not the date of the cardiac arrest

Category: Implantable Devices

Can I drive without my physical licence?

It may be possible, it depends on whether you satisfy the criteria for Section 88 of the Road Traffic Act.

See “What is Section 88” for more information.

Category: Driving

How can I view my licence information and status?

You can find information and the status of your driving licence by using the government licence check facility.

You will need your driving licence number, national insurance number and postcode.

You can see details about who the licence is for when it is valid from/to, the current status, what vehicles you can drive, any penalties or disqualifications.

You can also get a code so that you can share your licence details with another party such as an employer or car hire company.

Category: Driving

Can I drive if I get a shock from my ICD?

If at any time you receive an appropriate shock from your ICD i.e. one that is correcting a potentially fatal arrhythmia, you must surrender your licence and stop driving for 6 months.  

If you were incapacitated i.e. went unconscious whilst you received the shock the suspension is 2 years. This may be reduced to 6 months if your cardiologist takes steps to prevent any further events requiring a shock eg starting or adjusting medications.

If you receive an inappropriate shock i.e. the shock was unnecessary, then you will receive a 1 month suspension.

If you are driving whilst you receive a shock you should stop as soon as is safe to do so, and should not continue until the cause of the shock has been investigated.

For more information about shocks see our ICD shocks page.

Category: Driving

What is Section 88?

Section 88 refers to a part of the Road Traffic Act that may allow you to continue driving even if you do not physically have your driving licence.

There is a provision in the law, under section 88 that MAY allow you to drive while the DVLA process your application.

You must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be confident that your application will not be refused due to any medical condition you declared.
  • You must have held a valid driving licence and only drive vehicles you are qualified to drive.
  • You must meet any conditions specified on your previous licence
  • You must have sent your fully completed application (re-application) to DVLA in the last 12 months
  • Your licence has not been refused or revoked
  • You are not disqualified from holding a licence by a court

If you fulfil these points you can drive again even though your licence has not been returned to you.

DVLA cannot tell you if this section of the law applies to you.

For more information read the government leaflet on Section 88

Category: Driving

How do I get my licence back?

Once your advised period of voluntary surrender has elapsed you will be able to re-apply again and have your licence returned to you.  

You can find information on this process on the government website and a link to download the relevant form.

Once you have mailed this you will receive a letter from DVLA stating that they have written to your consultant with an expected 6-week turnaround.  You do not need to do anything further other than call them back on several occasions as this part of the process takes a long time!

The DVLA will send your cardiologist forms to get more information about your cardiac status.  Your cardiologist will need to sign these forms to say they should issue you with a licence. This all takes time, and it’s a good idea to chase your cardiologist to make sure you’re not forgotten.

It’s also worth starting the process a good 8 weeks before the date your period of driving restriction ends.

If your licence was revoked, as opposed to voluntarily surrendered, you may find that the process to get your licence back longer and more arduous.

Category: Driving

How can I tell if my licence was revoked or not?

See the “How can I view my licence information and status” FAQ on how to do this.

Category: Driving

Why was my licence revoked?

In the SCA UK Facebook Group we are seeing an increasing number of members who get their licence revoked when they voluntarily surrender it.

At this time it is not clear why this happens as we have seen members with apparently similar circumstances have different outcomes.

The DVLA can revoke your licence on medical grounds and it may be the differences in the details that they make their decision but for now, it is a bit of a mystery.

Our only advice would be to not use the online form but as soon as possible fill in the paper forms and send in your licence stating that you are voluntarily surrendering your licence. This is because anecdotal evidence from the group indicates that if you use the online form it appears you’re more likely to get your licence revoked.

Remember if your license is revoked you cannot use Section 88 rules to drive until your license is reinstated.

Category: Section 88

Do I need to inform the DVLA I had a cardiac arrest?

It is YOUR responsibility to tell the DVLA about a health or medical condition that could affect your driving.

You can be fined up to £1,000 if you do not tell DVLA about a medical condition that affects your driving.

You can do this via the “Report a medical condition” page.

You’ll need to enter details about your current driving licence and your condition. You might also need to give your GP’s name and address.

How this will affect your ability to drive will depend on what the cause of your cardiac arrest was, any remedial treatment you have had and any subsequent or other conditions you have.

You will have to enter or select from a list of conditions that you have and may affect your ability to drive.

The list is quite long and covers many conditions but you will NOT find cardiac arrest amongst them as it is an event, rather than a condition.

Conditions that are on the list and may apply to cardiac arrest survivors:

Category: Driving

When does my period of suspension start from?

The date of your suspension will usually start from the date that you have any remedial work or get a formal diagnosis of a condition, not necessarily the date of your cardiac arrest.

For example, if you have a cardiac arrest and 2 weeks later get an ICD implant, then the suspension will start from the date of the implant, not the arrest.

If you have a heart attack as the cause of your cardiac arrest, the problem is often looked at and dealt within a short time frame (same day) so the suspension will start from that day.

Category: Implantable Devices

How long will I have to stop driving for?

It will largely depend on your individual circumstances and medical conditions but common suspension periods are as follows:

If you had a heart attack as the cause of your cardiac arrest and it was remedied with medications and/or stents then the suspension period is 1 month.

If you had to have an ICD fitted then the suspension period will be 6 months from the date of the implant. If you have any shocks further suspensions will apply and the length will vary depending on a number of factors. See “Can I drive if I get a shock from my ICD” for more information.

You may also have to temporarily stop driving if your anti-arrhythmic medications are changed, typically for 1 month.

If your driving licence was revoked you’ll have to wait until all medical enquiries are complete. You will also need to have your driving licence back before you can start driving again.

You can check the DVLA information for medical professionals regarding assessing fitness to drive here, and this shows the rules regarding whether you can drive or not and if not, for how long.

Category: Driving

How do I contact the DVLA?

Full contact details of the DVLA Medical Group are on this page on the government website

Category: Driving

What form do I use to tell the DVLA I have an ICD?

You must use the DEFIB1 form which can be downloaded from the government website on this page.

If you are a coach, bus or lorry driver you must use the VOCH1 form.

Category: Implantable Devices

Can I drive an HGV or commercial vehicle after a cardiac arrest?

This is one for your doctor.

You should be assessed by your doctor using these guidelines which determine the rules for assessing drivers with cardiac conditions.

Many of the conditions listed will mean that there will be some period of suspension, but you may be allowed to drive again if you can meet certain conditions including assessment by a specialist cardiologist.

However, if you have an ICD implanted you will not be able to drive an HGV or commercial vehicle.

Category: Implantable Devices

Do all cardiac arrest survivors get the same suspension period?


The length of your suspension can vary depending on a number of factors including but not limited to cause of your cardiac, remedial actions taken, subsequent or other conditions.

It may seem tempting to compare one person’s case with another but it is often difficult to do so because of not having the full facts about a person’s situation.

Category: Driving

But I need my car for work!

If you are unable to drive because of your cardiac arrest and you are in a position to return to work, you may apply for the “Access to Work” scheme which may help with other transport costs, such as public transport or even private taxi’s.

For example, a member of SCA UK who was a teacher when she had her SCA was unable to return to work because she had an ICD fitted and this meant a driving suspension period of 6 months. She lived in the country and there was no suitable public transport to get her to her school. The “Access to Work” scheme gave her a grant to allow her to get a taxi to and from her place of work.

If you can get to work by public transport you might be able to get reduced price travel such as a Disabled Person’s Railcard. If your licence has been revoked for medical reasons, you are entitled to a free bus pass in most areas. In Northern Ireland, you can get a SmartPass giving you half price travel. In London, you can get a Freedom Pass. Apply through your local council.

Category: Driving

I’m worried about someone’s ability to drive

If you are worried about the safety of someone’s driving, it can be a tricky subject to talk about. But it’s vital to make them aware of your concerns, not just for their safety, but for the safety of others on the road.

If a person has been driving for many years it can be hard to suddenly stop, and it can change the way they see themselves. So they may need support and guidance from family, friends and professionals.

Sometimes survivors find it difficult to recognise the effects of the event. It can also affect your judgement and, in rare cases, someone can be unaware they have a disability. This is called anosognosia.

Family members and professionals may need to remind them that they can no longer drive because of the potential risk to themselves and others. You could read this together and talk about the other ways of getting around, and plan some of the journeys they might want to make using alternative types of transport.

If you feel that the person is not safe to drive and they refuse to stop driving, you can write to the DLVA in confidence online. 

Category: Driving

Driving again after a cardiac arrest

If you are able to return to driving, the choice of when and how to do it is a personal one. 

If you have an occupational therapist, talk to them about it. They can tailor your therapy to help prepare you to return to driving. An automatic car can be easier to drive than a manual.

Before you start driving again, you may find it helpful to have a few refresher lessons with a qualified driving instructor. You can find driving instructors in your area by looking in your local phonebook or on the internet. Check that they are registered with the Driving Standards Agency (DSA). Mobility centres can also provide advice about returning to driving.

Before you start driving again you must tell your insurance company about your cardiac arrest and any medical conditions you have. If you don’t do this, it might invalidate your insurance. Insurance companies have their own processes, so talk to yours to find out more. Check your policy carefully. They might want confirmation that you are safe to drive.

Having a medical condition can make insurance more expensive. Try shopping around for a competitive quote, or look for a specialist insurance provider when you need to renew.

Category: Driving
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