Overlooked Challenges: Navigating Cognitive Recovery After Cardiac Arrest

man walking on rock formations

Question: How do I cope with the cognitive aftermath of my cardiac arrest when my concerns about brain injury are often dismissed? As a cardiac arrest survivor, you may find yourself grappling with not just the physical ramifications of your ordeal but also the often overlooked cognitive challenges that accompany it. It’s not uncommon for … Read more

Exploring the Experience of Children Who Have Provided Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the Impact of CPR Training

Providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) during a cardiac emergency can be an unsettling and even traumatic experience. As CPR training becomes more prevalent in schools, it’s crucial that we understand the potential psychological impact on children and teens. I am part of a new research study from King’s College London that aims to explore the experiences … Read more

Understanding and Overcoming Cardiophobia after Cardiac Arrest

a person holding a sign of phobia

Surviving a sudden cardiac arrest can be terrifying. After such a traumatic experience, ongoing fears about your heart health are entirely understandable. This excessive, persistent worry has a name – cardiophobia. In the dimly lit confines of his apartment, Mark sat hunched over his laptop, his fingers hovering over the keyboard with trepidation. The screen … Read more

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